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Clayton Hanley Insurance Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Got storm damage? What do next

Well last night was messy!!! Wind and hail sure did a number on our area.-

First contact a reputable roofing/siding company to get an estimate for the damage. If you have leaks, ask them to come help you sooner to prevent further damage.
Here are a couple of links to file a claim with your insurance company.
The best option is file the claim through the company's app on your phone.
Option B file the claim online. Here are a few of links:

Safeco - https://fileaclaim.safeco.com/

Travelers - https://www.travelers.com/claims/file-claim/individual

Progressive - https://fnol.progressive.com/begin

National General - https://claims.nationalgeneral.com/report

Nationwide - https://www.nationwide.com/insurance-claims/