Peggy Manes and Tim Mossinghoff both turning 50 July 2019. We have celebrated more than 4 times with donuts, lunches, family parties, ice cream. Come August 1st the diet will have to start, maybe sooner, maybe not.
Then there is this little matter of creating a new work space. This has been a fun process - new colors, new floors, new desks, and a few fancy upgrades - couch and recliner to watch the cardinals. Check out the new office.
Come Hang out and say 'Hi". Get your complimentary Clayton Hanley cup while they last.
The Clayton Hanley Presidental rectangle office. Too much work to make it oval.
Where all the action happens - Kristal and Peggy's side of the office.
So many customers we have met by phone. Like to place a face with a voice. Facebook helps but nothing like live and in-person to make our days go a little faster.
Happy Summer
The Insurance Lady
Peggy L Manes
Clayton Hanley Insurance